A Step-by-Step Guide to Returning High Shots off the Wall in Padel
2 min read
A Step-by-Step Guide to Returning High Shots off the Wall in Padel
So, you’re playing padel and your opponent manages to hit a high lob shot off the wall. Panic sets in, but fear not! In this step-by-step guide, we will teach you how to return a high shot off the wall like a pro. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, these tips will help you master this challenging shot. Let’s get started!
Step 1: Positioning
The first key to returning a high shot off the wall is to position yourself correctly. As soon as you spot your opponent’s shot, quickly move towards the net and position yourself in line with the ball’s trajectory. This will give you a better chance of hitting a powerful and accurate return.
Step 2: Assessing the Bounce
As the ball rebounds off the wall, you need to judge its trajectory carefully. Pay attention to the angle and speed of the bounce. This will help you determine how close to the net you should position yourself and how aggressively you can attack the shot.
Step 3: Preparation
As the ball approaches, get yourself into an athletic stance – knees slightly bent, weight on the balls of your feet. Keep your paddle up and ready, with both hands firmly gripping the handle. This will allow you to react quickly and have a solid base for your shot.
Step 4: Timing
Timing is crucial when returning a high shot off the wall. Watch the ball closely as it comes towards you and make your move at the right moment. Ideally, you want to make contact with the ball at its peak, just before it starts descending. This will give you the best control over the shot.
Step 5: Shot Selection
Now comes the exciting part – selecting your shot. You have a few options here, depending on the situation. If the ball is within reach, you can opt for a smash or a powerful drive, aiming to put your opponent on the backfoot. Alternatively, if the ball is too high, a softer lob or a defensive slice shot might be the better choice to regain control of the point.
Step 6: Follow Through and Recovery
Once you’ve executed your shot, it’s important to follow through with your swing, ensuring that you maintain control and accuracy. After hitting the ball, quickly recover back to the center of the court to prepare for your opponent’s next move.
Returning high shots off the wall in padel may initially seem daunting, but with practice and the right techniques, you’ll soon become a master of this challenging shot. Remember to position yourself correctly, assess the bounce, prepare well, time your shot, select the appropriate shot, and follow through with your swing. With these steps in mind, you’ll be able to confidently return those high shots and take control of the game. Good luck and have fun!