The Ultimate Padel Glossary: A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding the Sport
3 min read
The Ultimate Padel Glossary: A Beginner’s Guide to Understanding the Sport
If you’re a beginner to Padel, there are a lot of terms to learn that might be unfamiliar to you. Padel, similar to tennis, is a fast-paced sport that’s played with rackets and a ball on an enclosed court. However, there are some key differences and specific terminology unique to Padel that you need to know. In this article, we’ll be delving into the ultimate Padel glossary to help you learn these terms and become a better player.
1. Padel Court
The Padel court, also known as the court, is a rectangular enclosure made up of glass walls. The glass walls are shorter than the traditional tennis court walls. The court dimensions are 20 meters long and 10 meters wide. The area of the court is divided into three main parts: the net, the service box, and the backcourt.
2. Padel Rackets
Padel rackets are used to hit the ball across the net. They are made of several materials, such as graphite or carbon fiber, and have a hole in the middle. The racket heads are usually a teardrop or diamond shape, and they typically weigh between 340 and 375 grams.
3. Padel Ball
The Padel ball is similar to a tennis ball and is made from rubber. It is pressurized, and its diameter is 6.35 cm, which is smaller than a standard tennis ball.
4. Service
The service is the starting play in Padel. It’s executed by throwing the ball up in the air and hitting it diagonally into the opposite service box without touching the net.
5. Rally
A rally is a sequence of shots hit between two or more players in a point. The rally continues until the ball touches the ground, goes out of bounds, or a player makes a fault.
6. Smash
A smash is a powerful overhead shot used to hit the ball downwards with force and speed towards the opponent’s side of the court. This is typically done during an offensive play and is a popular shot that can intimidate the opponent.
7. Lob
A lob is a low-pace ball hit high above the opponent’s head to create a gap in the court, increasing the chances of winning the point.
8. Fault
A fault happens when a player does not comply with the rules of the game. Common faults include hitting the ball outside the court’s boundary, letting the ball bounce twice, or touching the net with the racket.
9. Advantage
The advantage is a term in Padel that refers to when one team has one more point than the other team in the same game and if they win the next point, they win the game. It’s commonly used when the score is tied at 40-40.
10. Match Point
A match point is the point that can decide who wins the match. It is the final and most crucial point in the game and requires a lot of concentration and determination to execute.
In conclusion, knowing the Padel glossary is important to improve your understanding of the sport. Besides the above terms mentioned, there are many others to discover. Learning the terminology and the rules of Padel can take time, but with dedication and passion, you can master this amazing sport.