Staying Hydrated on the Court: Padel-Specific Tips and Tricks
2 min read
Staying Hydrated on the Court: Padel-Specific Tips and Tricks
As summer temperatures skyrocket, one crucial aspect to keep in mind while playing Padel is staying hydrated. Proper hydration is vital for optimal performance, quick recovery, and avoiding debilitating heat illnesses. While it can seem easy to just take a couple of breaks and drink water, staying hydrated on the court requires a relatively strong commitment, whether you’re an avid or beginner-level player. In this article, we’ll discuss some padel-specific hydration hacks that will help you prevent experiencing the adverse effects of heat exhaustion.
Start hydrating before the game
Adequate hydration is not something that starts on the court. The importance of hydration begins before the game. Drink enough water on the day of the game so that you are fully hydrated when the game kicks off. A simple way to check that you are correctly hydrated is to look at your urine color. When your urine is colorless or buoyant yellow, you are consuming enough fluids. If your urine is dark yellow, the chances are that you are not drinking enough, and thus, dehydration is hitting.
Create a hydration plan before the game
During intense games, you tend to forget to drink fluids, hence the need for a hydration plan. Determine the amount of water you need per hour on the court, and bring with you the right amount. A two-hour game requires at least 32 ounces of water. One way to make sure you are drinking the right amounts of fluids is to carry with you a water bottle during the match. Sip on it during breaks, timeouts, and during games where the ball is not in play.
Rehydrate after the match
Post-match drinks are necessary, whether you feel thirsty or not. After an intense workout, cool down enough then start refueling on fluids. A good hydration hack for padel is to consume fluids that contain electrolytes. By absorbing water into the bloodstream, electrolytes help you rehydrate after the workout, help muscle recovery, and keep you balanced. Bring along a sports drink like Gatorade or coconut water to replace electrolytes.
Concise but vital hydration tips:
Use sunscreen to protect your skin from dehydration.
Wear a hat or visor to keep the sun out of your eyes and face.
Take breaks to cool down and drink fluids.
Drink cool water instead of hot drinks during games. Cold drinks are absorbed more quickly.
In conclusion
Remaining properly hydrated while on the court is not an impossible feat. By starting with a plan before the game, creating a hydration plan during the game, and rehydrating after the match, you can avoid dehydration-related problems that come with intense games. Keep in mind that this is an essential aspect of sporting activities. Use the above hydration hacks for padel to avoid low energy levels, headaches, and heatstroke. Ensure you consume fluids with electrolytes to rehydrate and improve muscle recovery.