
Unleash Your Padel Potential

Mastering Padel Net Shots: How to Handle It When the Ball Hits the Net

2 min read

Mastering Padel Net Shots: How to Handle It When the Ball Hits the Net

If you’ve been playing padel for a while, you’ve most likely experienced the frustration of hitting a perfect shot, only to have it get caught in the net. It can be a real buzzkill, especially if you’re in the middle of a game and the pressure is on.

But fear not! Mastering padel net shots is all about learning how to handle it when the ball hits the net and using it to your advantage. Here are a few tips to help you turn those net shots into winning plays.

Embrace the Net Shots

The first step in mastering net shots in padel is to embrace them. Instead of getting frustrated, think of net shots as an opportunity to outsmart your opponent. Use the net to your advantage by knowing the different ways the ball can bounce off it.

Stay Calm and Adjust Your Position

When the ball hits the net, it can change direction and speed unpredictably. The key is to stay calm and be ready to adjust your position accordingly. Keep your eyes on the ball and be prepared to move quickly to meet the new trajectory.

Use the Angle to Your Advantage

One of the best things about net shots in padel is that they can create unexpected angles. Instead of trying to overpower the ball, use the net to your advantage and aim for a sharp angle that catches your opponent off guard.

Be Ready for Anything

When the ball hits the net in padel, anything can happen. It might pop up high, or it might roll along the top of the net. Be prepared for any scenario and keep your racquet at the ready to make the most of the situation.

Turn Defense into Offense

Net shots in padel don’t have to be a defensive move. In fact, they can be a great way to turn the tables and go on the offensive. Use the element of surprise to catch your opponent off guard and regain control of the rally.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Like anything in padel, mastering net shots takes practice. Take the time to work on your net game and learn to anticipate how the ball will react when it hits the net. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll become in handling those tricky net shots.


So, the next time you find yourself asking, “what happens when the ball hits the net in padel?”, remember that it’s all about how you handle it. Embrace the unpredictability of net shots and use them to your advantage. Stay calm, be ready for anything, and turn defense into offense. With a little practice, you’ll be mastering padel net shots in no time.

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