Improving Your Padel Tennis Serve: Common Mistakes to Avoid
3 min read
Improving Your Padel Tennis Serve: Common Mistakes to Avoid
As a padel tennis player, you understand the importance of a good serve. It’s the first shot of every point, and a strong serve can set you up for a winning point. However, many players make common mistakes that can hinder their serving game. In this article, we’ll discuss some of these mistakes and how you can avoid them to improve your padel tennis serve.
Mistake #1: Incorrect Grip
One of the most common mistakes made by padel tennis players is using an incorrect grip for their serve. The grip you use for your groundstrokes and volleys may not be suitable for your serve. You need a grip that allows you to generate maximum power and spin.
To get a good grip, hold your padel racket with your non-dominant hand to create a V-shape. Then take your dominant hand, place it on top of the racket handle, and align the heel of your hand with the racket’s base. Wrap your fingers around the handle of the racket and keep your thumb in line with your fingers to create a stable grip.
Mistake #2: Lack of Spin
Another common mistake in padel tennis serving is not generating enough spin. Spin can help you control the ball, make it difficult for your opponent to return, and even make the ball bounce differently on the court.
To add spin to your serve, focus on brushing the ball with your racket strings. For topspin, aim to make contact with the upper half of the ball with a low-to-high motion. For a backspin or slice serve, make contact with the lower half of the ball with a high-to-low motion. Practicing different spins can help you find which works best for your style of play.
Mistake #3: Inconsistent Toss
Your serve’s toss can positively or negatively impact your game. Consistency in your toss can help you generate a higher accuracy, which is essential when playing padel tennis.
When tossing the ball, aim for a consistent height and distance every time, so that it doesn’t get past your dominant shoulder and slightly in front of it. Practice your toss until it becomes second nature. A good trick is to pick out a target on the court and aim for it with your toss.
Mistake #4: Poor Footwork
Your footwork can also make or break your padel tennis serving game. Without the correct footwork, you may not be able to use your full body power, raise your shoulders enough during serving and thus not get enough accuracy on your serves.
When serving, it’s important to take a few steps forward to increase your body’s momentum and create the perfect balance on your serve. Make sure your front foot is pointed to the side and keep your back foot perpendicular to the net. This stance helps you maintain stability and generate power.
In conclusion
The padel tennis serve is a vital aspect of the game. Be sure to avoid these common mistakes to strengthen your serving game. Working on the proper grip, generating spin and accuracy with consistent tossing and maintaining good footwork will help you become an expert in padel tennis serving, and improve your overall approach to the game. So, practice your skills, work on your weaknesses, and bring your A-game to the court to dominate every match.