
Unleash Your Padel Potential

The Most Common Padel Basic Technique Mistakes to Avoid

2 min read

The Most Common Padel Basic Technique Mistakes to Avoid

Are you a beginner in padel? Do you want to improve your game? One of the most important things to focus on is your padel basic technique. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most common mistakes that beginners make and how to avoid them.

1. Not holding your racket correctly

The way you hold your padel racket is crucial to your overall technique. Many beginners make the mistake of holding their racket too tightly, which can limit your movement and create improper strokes. To hold your racket correctly, you should place your dominant hand on the base of the handle and your non-dominant hand above it, creating a V shape. Make sure your grip is relaxed but firm.

2. Standing too far away from the ball

Another common mistake beginners make is standing too far away from the ball. This can lead to poor shots and limit your movement on the court. To avoid this mistake, make sure to move closer to the ball, anticipate its trajectory, and approach the ball with your body weight forward.

3. Not using your legs

Your legs are one of the most important parts of your padel basic technique. Many beginners make the mistake of using only their upper body to hit the ball and forget to use their legs. Your legs should be engaged in every shot, helping you to generate power and move quickly around the court. Make sure to bend your knees and use your leg muscles to push off the ground when you hit the ball.

4. Swinging too hard

Swinging too hard is a common mistake that many beginners make. In reality, a slow and controlled swing can often be more effective. With a slower swing, you can focus on your aim and follow through properly, resulting in better shots. Remember that in padel, precision is more important than power.

5. Not practicing enough

The most important thing to remember when learning padel basic technique is to practice, practice, and practice some more. Without practice, it is impossible to improve your game. Make sure to set aside time in your day to work on your skills, whether it’s hitting against a wall or playing with a partner.

In conclusion, improving your padel basic technique is crucial for beginners. By avoiding these common mistakes, holding your racket correctly, standing closer to the ball, engaging your legs, and not swinging too hard, you can take your game to the next level. Remember to practice as much as possible and you will see great improvements in no time!

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